The ‘Engage’ brochure provides the first line and middle managers of DHL UK with a comprehensive prospectus of management courses. It is an established suite of courses but take-up from operations was below expectations for the following reasons:
- Senior managers wanted workshops that combined elements from a range of courses that meet immediate operational requirements.
- Workshops need to be run at local sites and at times that minimise disruption to day-to-day operations and to ensure operational teams receive key messages at the same time.
- Local management wanted direct input into workshop content.
Create the Space agreed the content of ‘combined’ workshops with senior management from sites that manage the logistics and transport contracts for the likes of Primark, Boots, Land Rover, the NHS, Sainsbury’s, Argos and Mothercare / Early Learning Centre. Once workshop content had been signed-off by local senior management, Create the Space were required to deliver the programmes that support local initiatives on site at times that enabled all front-line managers to attend (most DHL locations are 24/7 operations).