NTAR National Training for Rail Logo with text

Management & Leadership Apprenticeships

Interactive Management and Leadership with the Apprenticeship Levy


With the introduction of the apprenticeship levy in April 2017, Create the Space was tasked with developing comprehensive and highly interactive management and leadership Programmes that mapped to the Management Apprenticeship standards at Level 3 and 5; and specifically contextualised for the Rail industry.


Through consultation with NTAR and the Chartered Management Institute (CMI), we developed two new Leadership and Management programmes which result in the learners achieving a new CMI qualification at Level 3 and Level 5 as well as completing their apprenticeship.

  • Level 3 is a 12-18 month mixed media programme with 5 x 2-day collaborative workshops at its heart
  • Level 5 is a 2-year mixed media programme with 6 x 2-day collaborative workshops at its heart and a business improvement project completed in the workplace.

The programmes are underpinned with pre- and post-workshop activities, access to online resources, and provide Managers with opportunities to transfer tasks into the workplace together with ongoing assessment and feedback.

A social media learning community is provided for participants in the Programme to share their successes and challenges and to expand on topics from the Programme.

"Well-received by rail industry audiences with launch events taking place in October 2017 and enrolments commencing in November 2017."

NTAR - National Training Academy for Rail


The programmes have been well-received by rail industry audiences with launch events taking place in October 2017 and enrolments commencing in November 2017.

Early indications from Learners at Level 3 and Level 5 indicate a real appetite for development amongst the existing workforce and that people feel really valued to be enrolled on such a programme.

Allow Us To Improve Performance Through Management Apprenticeships...

We have asked people why they choose to work with us and keep coming back, and overwhelmingly they told us that no one else works so effectively to improve performance through people.