Case Study – Lorraine Forster

Kier originally approached Create the Space to deliver a Programme for First Line Managers Lorraine completed an ILM level 3 Certificate in Leadership and Management. The programme took place over an 8-month period and was made up of seven face-to-face modules. The modules ensure the learners understand more about themselves and their impact on others…


Case Study – Tim Broughton

Kier originally approached Create the Space to deliver a Programme for First Line Managers Tim completed an ILM level 3 Certificate in Leadership and Management. The programme was delivered over an 8-month period and was made up of seven face-to-face modules. These modules saw the learners understand more about themselves and their impact on others,…

Gemma Walker ILM Level 3 Leadership & Management

A Learners View | Gemma Walker

Kier originally approached Create the Space to deliver a Programme for First Line Managers Gemma completed the ILM level 3 certificate in leadership and management, delivered by Create the Space, earlier this year. The programme was delivered over an 8-month period and was made up of seven face-to-face modules. These modules allow the learners to…

A team puts their hands together in an inclusion activity, as part of the safeguarding process.

7 simple rules for ensuring your training delivers lasting impact in the workplace.

Create the Space have many years of practical experience with corporate audiences, and this has allowed us to develop the following simple rules for ensuring your training delivers lasting impact in the workplace. Each one will have a positive impact in isolation, but, as you might expect, applying a total package that incorporates all the…

A group of management apprentices listen to a trainer.

Soft skills are the new panacea… Can L&D really deliver what’s needed?

There seems little doubt that with a shift to automation and increased use of technology in the workplace, the skills and capabilities required from employees will also shift.“Workers of the future will spend more time on activities that machines are less capable of, such as managing people, applying expertise, and communicating with others. The skills…

Two managers sit to discuss how best to lead and manage change whilst consulting a tablet.

Leading and Managing Change in your Organisation

Our advice on organisational change and necessary skills for Change Leadership. Managing change is a very difficult process. Issues with communication can cause the change to propagate incorrectly, you can face resistance at all levels of your organisation or change leadership can lack the skills and knowledge needed to sustain the changes over time and…
